CBD consumption has increased in recent years due to numerous published studies and media coverage of its health benefits. However, although there has been a great increase in CBD consumption, some countries still have a legal vacuum. That is, it still does not have a specific legislative regulation.
Therefore, it is essential to know where CBD is legal and which countries allow its purchase and consumption. Today, we are telling you more about CBD legalization in Europe. Besides, you can find out more about CBD oil action to release tension by clicking here.
CBD in Europe

Let’s take the example of Italy, where JustBob: one of the leading CBD online retailers, based its headquarters. As you know, in 2016, in Italy, a law was promulgated in favor of the cannabis supply chain, the law 242/2016. There, growing cannabis is legal for industrial purposes. Not only Italy, but various other European countries have decided to allow CBD oil markets to flourish.
The European market is not only less competitive than its US counterpart, but allows the companies to work in a legally viable environment. That being said, cannabis is illegal in many European countries and CBD being the extract of that very plant, makes it more vulnerable to legal accusations. Thus, it is not unnatural that many have asked themselves a very particular question: “Is it legal to sell or grow CBD cannabis? “
First, let’s define what CBD cannabis is

Cannabis light is nothing more than the cannabis flower coming from industrial plants (intended for producing fibre or paper) and therefore almost entirely devoid of the active ingredient THC. To be precise, in the “natural” plant, THC is low in content and balanced by other cannabinoids that significantly limit the “amazing” effect of the plant.
CBD is one of the compounds found in the cannabis plant and THC is another. While most CBD products barely have any THC compounds, the ones that do make sure that the THC content doesn’t exceed 0.2%. THC is sometimes crucial for products that need to be effective and strong but companies make sure that the THC content ever goes beyond 0.2% or otherwise it can make the patients ‘high.’
Is it legal to sell CBD since 2016?

Since December 2016, many businesses have developed based on a “regulatory vacuum”, or a weak point of the law where it is not specified what is allowed and what is not. In compliance with the limits imposed by law, many companies have started producing hemp inflorescences, which have found their space in the market.
Although they were not directly provided for in the law. But the inflorescences are sold to the public for: “technical or collector use” with the prohibition to open the package visible on the label. Obviously, the buyers have consumed the inflorescences, smoking them. What else could we expect from this “provocation”?
In a short time, a wildly thriving inflorescence market was born. Parallel to the illegal one. While this was one way to sell CBD products while avoiding legal hassle, it had an adverse impact on the reputation of the CBD industry.
All this had a significant media impact that involved political parties, consumers, and entrepreneurs. But, unfortunately, the media struggle has caused public opinion to focus on seeing Cannabis Light as a drug rather than a harmless economic opportunity. This has had a very bad impact on the CBD market which could have easily flourished as a legally ethical market with an excellent and actually helpful product.
CBD laws: the Judgment of 30/05/2019

The turning point was on May the 30th, 2019, with a sentence of the Court of Cassation, which ruled, in short, that the sale of oils, resins, inflorescences, and leaves of cannabis was not contemplated in law 242/2016 and that therefore it was illicit. All this “unless they are concretely devoid of doping efficacy.”
From 30/05/2019, seizures and reports of drug dealing, with related legal paths, have become (much) more frequent against entrepreneurs who had ventured into this sector. The laws regarding CBD have become much stricter due to its popularity and the rising addiction for cannabis amongst youngsters.
During this period, most of the accusations of trafficking, as the products and samples used were devoid, in practice, of doping efficacy as their THC content was less than 0.5%. Nonetheless, most of the businessmen that were accused of trafficking were venturing into illicit business practices to gain a larger profit out of their CBD products.
The Politics Response

During the first quarter of 2024, the urgency decree should be scheduled, which will see the discussion of that legislative decree published over a year ago in Italy. And today? Can we grow or sell CBD?
To date, the market continues to exist under this regulatory vacuum. The laws regarding the selling and purchase of CBD remain unclear and complicated which shrugs away many potential investors that could have otherwise invested in a CBD business.
That being said, there are many investors who have invested in CBD and have gained valuable returns from it. The truth of the matter is that if you comply with all legal standards and regulations that European countries have imposed over CBD, you can be assured that you can safely trade with CBD without much hassle.
The whole sector hopes to finally be able to operate in full legality, respecting precise rules that protect consumers and producers. We remember that the rules are not made to limit work, but exist to make it possible to work at best and in fair competition.
It is important to remember that CBD CANNABIS THIS IS NOT A DRUG, as well as all industrial hemp is a productive plant used for industrial purposes of all kinds. From food to cosmetics, through construction and many other sectors, CBD cannabis is only the tip of the iceberg.
Benefits of CBD and why you should buy and sell it. Depending on what you use it for, CBD cannabis can serve you various uses without any difficulty. The most quoted benefits of CBD are the various health benefits that the product inculcates in the body. These benefits vary widely and can help you deal with a number of physical and mental ailments.
The physical benefits include relief from intense pain such as back pain or joint pain. They are also known to help insomnia patients and those suffering from heart diseases. There are also several mental benefits to CBD and these include coping with anxiety and depression in a better and much more viable way.
CBD products can provide a health friendly alternative to mental health supplements that help mental ailments but cause immense physical side effects. They are also known to have neuroprotective properties which ensures that your nervous system stays active and healthy.
Other benefits include a reduced amount of acne and helping the antibodies in our body to alleviate cancer. CBD cannabis has vast implementations and it is still a relatively new product with new and varied benefits being found out every day. You can now legally buy CBD flowers, oils, and other CBD products legally on JustBob.shop and enjoy the many benefits of using CBD!