One Piece: Chapter 979: Release Date, Spoiler , Trailer and Others You Must Know.

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The chapter 978 from One Piece released 26 April in 2024. After the large spreads of the manga now its the time for the next section. Lately, One Piece manga has been going at a slower rate.

It is something different, compared to its usual weekly propaganda schedule. But don’t worry, the release date of chapter 979 has been confirmed. It might take a slower pace at this time, but you will enjoy it when you go through it.

Release Date: One Piece: Chapter 979

One Piece, Chapter 979, is going to premiere on 10 May 2024. This is a weekly schedule, which means every new chapter will release once in every week. But, there will be no chapter in the next week.

Read Online:

There are some online sites where you can read the manga. The chapter 979 will be available online soon on VIZ Media and Shueisha’s Manga plus official platforms after its premiere. Not many days are left behind. So, keep patience and until then check some other mangas.

Recap of Chapter 978:

One Piece 978 begins with the reunion of Lola and Chiffon at the cover page with the title, “Tobbi Roppo Introduction”. According to their earlier plan, Law is moving in his submarine. He is taking some of the red holder, Kinemon and Denjiro with him.

In the previous chapter, we have already seen the alliance of the ship. Those all reached to Onigashima. It results in the landing of all the Samurai, Ninja, and the pirates on the island. Members of the Flying Six were also introduced in the chapter. Now, let’s jump to the spoiler of the upcoming section.

Spoiler: One Piece: Chapter 979

The new chapter will contain the flying six as its focusing feature. A conversation between King and the six starts is also one of the most beautiful attractions in the section 979. It seems that the King is the one who has summoned all of the flying six.

He uses Kaido’s name for the cent per cent assurance. They only obey Kaido’s order. And that is why Kaido is so vital in One  Piece.

Here happens the enlightenment when the name of Kaido’s son is exposed. It is Yamato. Kaido asked, flying six to display their powers to Big Mom.

Thus, Kaido’s son has the relation with the flying six, to challenge the all-stars for a betterment. That’s for now. For more updates, please stick to the page and subscribe for the notification.