7 Pros and Cons of Wireless Fences for Dogs in 2024

Source: petsafe.net

If you are wondering how to provide your dog the freedom to run and play safely in the yard, you probably get to the point where you are considering purchasing a dog fence. With a dog fence, your dog will be protected from the possibility of running loose in the neighborhood and getting in some trouble. There are truly many dog fence types, and since wireless fences have become very popular options among people, we decide to write you more about them. After purchasing a dog fence, you will finally have peace of mind knowing your dog is safe in the yard. Visit DogLeash Pro to learn more ways to keep your puppies safe.

Why is a wireless dog fence so a popular option today on the market and which benefits it offers, you will find out in the further text? Despite the benefits, we will analyze the potential disadvantages of this fence, so you can have a clear picture of whether it worth your money or not.

What is a wireless fence for dogs?

Source: lowes.com

Before we list the pros and cons that this wireless fence can have, let’s first discuss what it represents and how it works. In general, this is an actual fence, even though it is practically invisible. If you want to install this fence type, you need to plug the radio device inside of your house. That device will emit radio signals in a certain radius around itself. It is up to you to choose the range of the radius. Your dog will get a special collar and a radio signal is detected by it. Whenever your dog comes near a particular place, he will get electric stimulations or some sound warning. You should know that they are painless. If you get this fence, you will need to train your dog because there is a chance it won’t immediately adapt to its features.

If you are wondering why is worth buying this fence, let’s see some benefits..

1. The Reasonable Price Will Surprise You

Physical fences are made of some very expensive materials such as iron, wood, etc. Luckily, invisible electric fences cost less and they are professionally installed for free. So, if you are looking for a fence that does not require big money to spend, this is a perfect option for you. In general, this is something that many people consider when they are deciding on this fence option.

2. This fence type provides more Adaptability than any other fence

Source: barkva.org

If you want to place any of the traditional fence types, you need to pay attention to the yard. In other words, your yard needs to have a perfectly flat surface. If you go for a traditional fence, you can ask timberridgefencecompany.com for a quote. If you have a sloping yard field, you will have problems putting the fence properly. However, one of the benefits that the invisible fence type offers is the adaptability to work in every field. Interestingly, you can install invisible fences even on hilly spots, water, and wooden terrains. Also, these fences can cover a big part of the field and allow the dog to run freely.

3. If you are an aesthetic person, this fence is the right option for you

Since wireless fences are invisible, they allow you to have a feeling like you are in an open space. You will have a chance to enjoy the view outside of your fence. In other words, if you have some green spaces, woods, or river near your house, you can enjoy it from your yard. Also, people with a wireless fence can move around the yard without bothering to open and close the gate. However, after you purchase this invisible gate, you need to put some flags in line, so your dog can adapt easily to this new fence. They are just temporary solutions until your dog learns the boundaries of the electric fence. After some period, when you think your dog is prepared for the invisible fence, you can remove the flags.

4. A wireless fence provides reliability

Source: pexels.com

One of the best advantages that wireless dog fence types offer is the fact that your dog can not destroy it. In other words, it can chew it, dig under it, and climb over without damaging the fence. For that reason, many people are deciding on this fence option. In that way, they know that nothing can happen to it. Also, it does not rust like the iron one, it can not get wet as the wood one, so it is the most practical fence type. Despite that, no one from the outside can damage it either.

5. With this fence, you will have safeness and protection

Pet owners sometimes forget to close the gate, so their furry friends can escape easily. If something like that happens, someone can steal the pet. Also, you are risking that your dog can get hit by a car. With this fence, you can forget about these scenarios. On the other hand, your house and yard will be protected maximally because no one will dare to come closer to your yard because they can be afraid of your released dog. A wireless fence or a dog gps collar provides reliability. They will not realize your dog can not reach them.

However, there are some disadvantages of this fence type..

6. Barrier frustration

Source: pexels.com

Your puppy can become frustrated when he sees he can not join and play with some other dogs walking near your yard. Dogs are usually very friendly and sociable creatures, so they want to be included in all the “dog gatherings”. Also, if someone walks near your fence and wants to pet him, he will get nervous because he is not allowed to come closer.

7. Training is required

If you want to ensure that this fence will work for you and your dog, you need to help him adjust to it. If you want to ensure success, we suggest you find someone who will train your dog. If you do not have time and patience to do this by yourself and help your dog not to be afraid of the new fence, you should find help from the experts. However, training protocol is something necessary when you decide to purchase this fence type.


Deciding which fence type you should choose can be a difficult task. However, we hope that we help you with this list of advantages and disadvantages wireless fence types can offer. Take all of that into consideration and research other types. If you decide to choose this fence type, you should consider finding someone who can help your dog adapt to it with some training. If you are interested, you can check professionals on DogLeash pro. They are very patient with dogs, and they can help them adjust very easily to the fence and feel comfortable with a new collar.