God of War 5: Is It Going to Happen in This Season?

God of War 5
God of War 5 Credit- screenrant

The ultimate question of the hardcore fans, Is God of War 5 going to happen? And to the answer, the sources are saying YES!  It is positively going to happen. But it’s just a matter of patience until disclosed by officials themselves.

Sony Santa Monica’s God of War video game franchise is one of the biggest first-party franchises of PlayStation. It is something that begins in 2005 with PlayStation 5 and continues till now. So, first let’s know which kind of gameplay is it?

The Gameplay:

According to Wikipedia, God of War is an action-adventure game under the development of Santa Monica Studio.  Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has published it in the market. And it got Issued on April 20, 2018, for the PlayStation 4 (PS4).


The first seven games were slackly based on Greek mythology. No detailed information was there. But season 5 is going to have the installment transitions to Norse mythology. Predating the Vikings, the most of the game takes place in ancient Norway in the realm of Midgard. It is generally habitation of humans and other creatures. It is the corresponding realm where the Greek world had breathed.

But as nothing official has been revealed, so many things can happen. A lot of deduction is going to display in the fifth season of God of war.

Release Date: God of War 5

Sony Santa Monica has confirmed no official release date regarding God of War 5. However, series director Cory Barlog recently confirmed that the next installment ( season 5) wouldn’t go to take another five years to develop. The situation like 2018’s God of War will not repeat for this time. That means audiences can expect God of War 5 on year less than 2024. But, hopefully, it could go with a little haste.


God of War 4 wasn’t exactly an open-world game in the mythical sense. But this time it is going to be open. God of War 5 will be something different from prior installments. The purpose is like, it won’t be only a continuation but a path that is something more significant in scale. After all, the environmental artist Nate Stephens also gives a positive vibe when he says,  God of War 5 would also have bigger fights and scenes.

Since God of War 5 is not officially announced, there is no trailer just yet. But there will be within another few years. So keep patience. Do your regular job and subscribe to the page. It won’t mislead you.