Supernatural Revival: Jensen Ackles Hints Details; Bruce Campbell’s Entry As John Winchester Possible

Supernatural Revival: Jensen Ackles Hints Details; Bruce Campbell's Entry As John Winchester Possible
Supernatural Revival

Supernatural Revival: Jensen Ackles Hints Details; Bruce Campbell’s Entry As John Winchester Possible: It seems like Supernatural’s series finale is approaching. It sounds devastating to the Supernatural’s fans. Supernatural is drawing it end soon. But it can rise again in a few years from now in the form of a Revival years. The series star Jensen Ackles – who plays the role of Dean Winchester, one of the two monster-hunting and world-saving brothers. They are the centre of the long-running CW show — says he is up for it. The creative team of the show wanted Bruce Campbell initially for the part as “Ash vs Evil Dead”.

Supernatural Revival
Bruce Campbell initially for the part as “Ash vs Evil Dead”.

“I’ve always thought that there’s a possibility of five years down the road, getting the call saying, ‘Hey let’s do a little short order action for a streaming network’ and bringing it back for six episodes,” said Ackles during this week’s episode of former Smallville co-star Michael Rosenbaum’s podcastInside of You.  

Ackles added, “I do feel like this isn’t the long goodbye right now. I feel like this is, ‘Let’s hang this in the closet for now, and we’ll dust her off down the road a bit.‘”

Supernatural Revival ? So it is supposed to end?

It sure is going to end pretty soon. But if the CW network decides to bring back the fans favourite show, then fans are assured that their other most loved member of the cast will make a return too. The ’67 Chevy Impala will almost become a part of the Winchester family itself. Ackles revealed he could keep the car once the show completes the filming the last two episodes. The production had already started again last month.

“I’m gonna clean her up, but not change anything,” Ackles told Rosenbaum. “I’m going to need to add an air conditioning unit because we live in Texas. I’m probably going to get some new speakers, [and] a radio system in there that works. But everything else, I’m going to leave the scratching in the doors, the splits in the seats.” Ackles added.

Supernatural Revival
Bruce Campbell’s

Ackles revealed a casting information during the podcast. The creative team of the show wanted Bruce Campbell initially for the part as “Ash vs Evil Dead”. As Morgan is 12 years older than Ackles, this part won’t work well with the flashbacks at the beginning of the series when Sam and Dean are both children.

Ackles said, “They actually went out to Bruce Campbell to play Present-Day Dad,” said Ackles. “That was the only person that they wanted. Ultimately, they couldn’t make it happen, whether it was [because of his] schedule. So they threw their hands up in the air, and [were] like, ‘Well, maybe we can just age Jeff up and have him come back and play an older version of himself.'” 

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