Why Is Your Instagram Reach So Low and How to Fix It – 2024 Guide

Source: pexels.com

By the end of 00s social networks had become important for businesses as well, not just networks that help you keep in touch with friends and make new friends. Certainly, Facebook was the most popular, and the situation has changed over the years, so today Instagram and TikTok dominate. Instagram has been owned by Facebook since 2012, and since the middle of 2018, it has over a billion users a month.

That information shows Instagram is a place where you can reach a huge number of people like probably in no other way. Even if you advertise during the SuperBowl, no that many people will saw your brand or business, and this type of advertising will cost you millions of dollars, while Instagram is free. And if you want to boost s post, it is very affordable. However, the situation is more complicated than it sounds. Many notice that Instagram reach is nowhere near what they would like and then wonder why this is the case. We will explain to you why your Instagram reach so low and how to fix it.

Instagram algorithm

Source: sinanhan.com

Algorithm in general is a set of rules which is in charge of who will see which post and when. If you don’t work for Meta Platforms, Inc. which is the new name for Facebook, Inc. and which owns Instagram, you certainly don’t know all the secrets of the Instagram algorithm. Even most developers employed by Meta do not know all the details of the algorithm and that is how company is trying to prevent any type of manipulation.

But that shouldn’t discourage you. There are definitely ways for your reach to be better. It is important that you regularly follow the updates of the Instagram algorithm. There is no date when the algorithm is updated, but it happens from time to time, sometimes more often sometimes not so often. Follow the news and as soon as you read that certain announcements have been made on the algorithm, try to adjust your content accordingly. Relevance of the content is something that has always been important and will always be, and certain things change around timeline and communication with followers.


Source: beeldkompas.nl

When we say spam, we do not mean the classic spam messages that you receive in the email inbox, either for the purpose of commercial advertising or for the purpose of phishing. Spam in the context of Instagram posts means that you are posting too much content that is not relevant.

You may think it’s good to provide new content to your followers several times a day, but then it’s very difficult to maintain relevance. And then the Instagram algorithm can be very harsh to your profile. Spam is the thing that the algorithm probably most often “punishes” of all others. You have to strike a balance between publishing content regularly and avoiding being labeled as spam. That is key to success and reverse downtrend of Instagram reach you are noticing lately.

Number of followers and likes

Source: lamag.com

The number of followers is crucial for Instagram reach, because the more followers you have, the more likely you are to appear to other people who are not your followers. The same goes for likes. When you open the search section, you will mostly see profiles with tens of thousands of followers and thousands of likes.

Once you gather so many followers, things become simple because day by day the number of followers grows. But it is very difficult at the beginning. It will seem to you that it takes months to gather only a few hundred followers, which does not make a significant difference. It is necessary to focus on content that will be interesting to a particular niche. It is not important that niche is generally popular. It is even much easier to reach followers when niche is not so common. Another thing that can help you is to buy followers. This will jump-start your profile, but it matters where you buy followers. Choose a reliable website that will make your jump in the number of influencers convincing, not fake. It is easy to notice when you are followed by profiles with generic names. You should learn more about buying followers before you opt for that option.


Source: unsplash.com

For some reason, people think that hashtags are no longer as important as they used to be. This is not true. Hashtags have been around for a very long time and are inextricably linked to social networks. Hastags allow people to find content that interests them.

It is definitely tricky how to determine which hashtags to use and how many to put in the description below the photo. If there are too many of them, that is not good, but also if there are only a few, that is not enough. Try to find hashtags that have not been used millions of times. Also avoid those hashtags that no one before you has used, because it is not likely that you will make that particular hashtag viral.

Make videos

Videos have been especially popular since IGTV and reels are implemented. You don’t have to make videos that last 10 minutes, just make a few short and engaging videos that will significantly boost your reach. Try to be creative as possible since competition is huge and followers are becoming more and more demanding.


Nowadays, if you don’t exist in the digital world, it’s practically as if you don’t exist at all. Your business can only be successful locally, but you can’t reach a wider audience if you don’t have an Instagram profile. For good advice and help take a look at IGInstant.
You probably know that, but you’re afraid that Instagram is coming to an end because reach is declining from year to year. This is certainly not the case, but you make certain mistakes and do not follow the updates of the algorithm, so that are reasons why you are failing on Instagram and other social networks as well. After reading our article we hope you have all the necessary information to boost your profile and thus make your business thrive in 2024 and beyond.