A Man Shot His Sister To Death For Just Unfriending Him On Facebook


An Alaska man was arrested after he allegedly shot and killed his sister for unfriending him Facebook.
According to the sources, the shooting happened on Thanksgiving Day at which the defendant, Moses Crowe, looked in the house about 10 a.m. His grandma said to Anchorage Police that Crowe came in and started ranting regarding somebody carrying his dog.

He explained to his grandmother he was mad concerning the sufferer unfriending him Facebook.

Crowe pulled a pistol out of his pocket and aimed it straight at his sister’s thoughts. After he fired the gun, then the 23-year-old sufferer dropped to the floor with her baby son her lap. Owen was attracted to a nearby hospital but she died less than two hours after her birth.

He had been indicted with second-degree his bond is appreciated for $500,000.

This really isn’t the first time that somebody has performed this offense due to an irrational motive. At recent, an Indian husband allegedly murdered his wife with a crush Bollywood celebrity, Hrithik Roshan. The murderer afterwards hung himself to death. The deadly incident happened in their Queens home in new york.