God of High School Episode 10 releasing, date and summary


Consistent with the action featured anime, The God of High School, has gained much popularity with showing traditional martial arts with modern twist. As the anime is at the verge of ending, the anime may have something for everyone to show. Read further to see all about God of High School Episode 10.


Release of God of High School Episode 10:

The God of High School Episode 10, will be releasing on September 7, 2024, around 8 a.m. Pacific Day Time.

The anime is Crunchyroll exclusive; but anime will premiere at Crunchyroll and VRV.

The manga of the anime can be read at Webtoons, created by Yongje Park.

Revise the previous episode:

The new episode brings battles for our beloved trio character. Jin went to find out the truth behind the grandfather’s abduction; Yu single-handedly fights the opponents in the tournament. The time Jin arrives at the site of his grandfather’s whereabouts, he gets to know that it was a trap, to get Jin away from the tournament. Due to Jin’s absence, Yu was all by herself and was struggling to face the powerful opponents in the matches. The moment tournament was getting away from the hand, her memory hits and way of sword comes to her. Because of which an unknown power unlocks within herself and helps her to fight, was suppressed for a long time. She overpowers all the opponents, and because of newfound powers, Yu was able to win all by herself. But because she can’t handle her powers, and because of exhaustion, she falls on the ground.


But luckily, Jim shows just when this happens. Jim, who seems stronger, he is immortal. He uses original Blue Dragon Kick, and seemingly defeats all the opponents. And after this all from the trio move to the next round. Altho it seems the opponents were weaker, but it doesn’t seem that we will see stronger one ahead. Moreover, we don’t know the abilities of Jim, which he had in the past. Also, the whereabouts of grandfather is a mystery.

This all makes the end of the enemy more interesting.

Also read: Rent a Girlfriend Episode 9 release date and summary.