Pokemon Journeys: Ash comes across Farfetch’d in promo teaser

Image source: Comicbooks

As of late, Pokemon Journeys has been all about the Galar region. But now Ash will travel around the world. While the show follows Ash as he goes far and wide, there is something in particular about the Galar locale that has fans hooked.

The team behind the anime has heard the request as Pokemon Journeys has another new episode coming out about the region, and it will pit Ash Ketchum against a very familiar friend.

Pokemon Journeys Episode 27: Promo Video

The official twitter page of Pokemon Journeys posted the preview video yesterday. The video shows a Farfetch’d hanging out on a bridge leading a town in Galar region. However, this Pokemon doesn’t look like the Farfetch’d that fans have seen before, and that is all thanks to its exceptional form.

What can we expect in the Next Episode of Pokemon Journeys?

In the 27th episode, Farfetch’d arrives. As you can see in promo, Farfetch’d look strange here with its darker color palette and furrowed brows. The Pokemon has its eyes slanted as it arrives at a wing out to challenge whoever is in front of it. The form finishes itself with a giant leek that is far bigger than any we’ve seen regular Farfetch’d carry around, and that is because this veggie acts as a weapon.

Related: Pokemon Journeys: The Series- Goh will join Ash and Pikachu on their journey around the world.

There is no doubt that Ash will be excited by this discovery, and he will need to battle it. However, Farfetch’d is not a victim in the Galar region. To keep predators under control, the Pokemon’s Galarian variations are challenging deep down, and they will strike at Ash hard if it means living to see another day!

What’s more?

As of now, we only have half spoilers and updates regarding the new episode of Pokemon Journeys. But, we’ll surely give you more updates about the series and other anime soon.