If you look at the layout of the social networks you can’t argue that Facebook and Twitter are the two most dominant ones out there. Yes, Instagram and TikTok are gaining their following, but these platforms are a bit different from the old-school Twitter and Facebook. Through times since they became viral, people are trying to make an argument about which platform is better. While Facebook is without a doubt the more popular platform, Twitter has its advantages, and we believe that with time they’ll be clear for everyone to see. We could say that something is even visible now in terms of one network overcoming the other one. If you still have your suspicions, we are here to try and provide an answer t the question what is the advantage of Twitter over Facebook? This article is dedicated to the subject that intrigues many people, and we’re sure you’ll find it interesting if this domain is your cup of tea. Now, let’s see what does Twitter has up in its sleeve.
Bigger Support

While Mark Zuckerberg certainly made an empire from his brand, the creation of Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass has bigger support in terms of tools available for the brand analysis. If you are pushing your brand on this social media platform, you’ll be thrilled at how many options you have to analyze the data collected. The best part is that most of these tools are free of charge, and are an essential part of this social media outlet. If you are not satisfied with free options you can always upgrade to premium ones which aren’t too expensive. Tools used for business on Twitter are from another planet and you will be thrilled at the support they provide to your venture.
It’s Easier to Connect to People

If you are looking for connections, you’ll notice that it is easier to get your hands on them via Twitter. It takes you only one click to see a person’s follower base or who they are following and even less of a move to see what they’re posting. If you like what you see you can immediately follow the, as it is customary you’ll probably be followed back if you share the same interests. This way you do not only get one new follower but you get an insight into their followers, which gives you a bigger pool of having even more of yours. Unlike on face, you do not need to know each person on Twitter. The follows are automatic there’s no approval needed, and this is why people connect faster, especially if they have similar interests and stances.
The Ease of Use and Adaptability

The first time you see a Twitter feed you might get the wrong impression. It is often intimidating and scary at the start but these feelings don’t last too long with the robin’s egg bluebird. Once you spend some time on it, you’ll soon fall in love and you’ll be camaraderie for time to come. It’s not only about the appearance and the ease of use you’ll notice shortly, it’s about the interface and the tools that follow it as we mentioned above. Once you get the hang of basics, moving to the advanced level with the tools such as Tweet Deck and Uber Twitter you’ll soon be an advanced user. Once you are a true fan and daily user you’ll notice how your communication skills improve and how it’s easy to say all that you want only in 140 characters. Facebook, as a platform rarely offers many tools for its users, and you’re stuck only with what they offer you at the beginning.
Security Above all Else

We all want to be safe and sound on social media platforms. But, as we found out the hard way this is not always possible. Facebook and its platform have many security issues which came to the public eye in recent times. Unlike its bigger brother, Twitter doesn’t have these issues. An average user doesn’t even have to use a picture of itself. But, even if they do, it is a small icon and one larger header image which can be anything you like. You also have a bio and a link, and that would be almost everything. Yes, you can share photos of yourself on this platform, but if this is your primary goal, you are better of opening an Instagram account. You know the shiny place to share your photos. Once you are on Twitter you are left on your own by its administration and authorities. On the other hand, we have Facebook who is pushing various apps that use your info and encouragement to share as much about yourself you can down your throat. We know what we choose, and we hope that you can make the same sane choice.
Application Game is on Higher Level

If you have ever used Facebook you know how many applications they have at their disposal. Both their own and third-party apps. Most of them are boring, serve no real purpose, and can be abusive at times. Just remember how many times have you been asked to check out which celebrity do you look like, or to conduct an unofficial IQ test. None of these apps serves anything but getting that valuable piece of your personal information you’ll have to submit. On the other hand, we have Twitter that stoves away from applications like these. Yes, you can encounter some, now and then, but they’re nowhere near the amount you have on Face. Instead, you’ll find apps that are designed to be helpful such as Tweet Deck, Tweetpic, and Twhirl. Most of these apps improved the platform and attracted new users instead of making the old ones go away. Things will only improve in the future, so it’s time to try out this social media platform if you haven’t yet. If you are in for more Twitter-related content please click here.