Since this network is so popular, with over one billion active users, getting the desired username can be an issue. Choosing the authentic name on this platform might help you to reach more followers. In most cases, people are using Instagram to share interesting photos and videos. Also, we can communicate with others through comments and private messages.
On the other side, businesses find this online platform as an excellent way to promote themselves and communicate with potential customers. They find it even more important when it comes to the selection of authentic and attractive usernames. In case that your business needs professional help from experts in the social media industry, visit
According to, If you are having trouble with choosing the right name, while the preferred option is not available at the moment, there might be a solution to get it if it is an inactive profile. In this article, we are going to introduce you to some effective methods where you can manage to get the desired username for Instagram.
Common Methods

We can notice that there is a great demand for this option. That is not a surprise considering how many people are using it today. Still, it can be quite complicated since there is no option inside of an app where you can track inactive profiles and take one of those names. When it comes to businesses, in case that you have a registered brand name, and there is already the same name on the network, you could report it and claim it to be provided to you. You can do that with a simple form where you will provide your basic information and company ID. However, it is not guaranteed that the support group on Instagram will accept your proposal. In that case, you should look for some alternative ways.
The ability to add a trademark to your brand is crucial if you want to prevent unauthorized use of it anywhere on the internet. Those companies who already had trademarks before the existence of Instagram had no issues with creating their accounts. In that matter, always use this solution when you want to introduce a new brand on the market.
You will protect the name on any online platform, and in case that there is a new one available, you will have reserved rights to become active there under your official name. However, if you don’t have a valid trademark, you will have to choose another method. It became very popular in recent years for businesses to buy profiles with lots of followers.
Therefore, you can use this solution to buy the desired account and replace the content on it with the reliable one. The price depends on the number of followers and the reach that it account has online. On the other hand, if the owner of the account doesn’t want to sell it, the only remaining thing is to wait for Instagram to delete it since it is not active.
Still, there is no guarantee that they will delete it since the only way for that is the abuse of terms and conditions. However, it is not a rare case that they will delete empty accounts with a low number of followers and without any activity for a longer time.
Use Different Name

In case that any of the methods that we mentioned is not working, the last solution is to be more creative and come up with a name that is similar to the desired option. Still, as an owner of some company, you will have to pay attention that the name will remain engaging enough, help people to recognize that username with your brand.
On the other side, the username for private users is not that important. You can always add few characters or dates to complete the registration. For instance, your name and date of birth, and there will be no reasons to struggle with any of these methods.
Importance of Username
As we already mentioned, the importance depends on your goals of making the account in the first place. If you want to become a common user, it doesn’t matter that username you will choose. It might bring you more followers if you come up with a more creative idea, but the main point will remain, and you will be able to connect with your family and friends.
On the other side, the selection of usernames can affect the popularity of brands. In that matter, try to come up with something original, or hire an expert in social media marketing who can help you with that.
Benefits of Instagram For Marketing

One of the main advantages of this online platform is that it is free, and there are no limitations in terms of the number of followers or content that you will be sharing. That is the main reason why most companies today have their accounts. Besides that, you can use advanced analytics tools to measure your engagements and create strategies according to data that you collect through these tools.
However, the first step is still to get a unique name for the account. Also, it is essential to attract a lot of people, which can also be complicated at the beginning. In that matter, the best options are to buy an account or hire influencers to promote you over their profiles.
The Bottom Line
As you can see, there are some options available if you are interested in claiming an inactive username. Still, the chances of having troubles are very high, especially if you are not able to contact the owner of the account. In that matter, you should try other solutions like buying another account or choosing a different name.
Also, be sure to always trademark the name of your brand to prevent any similar issues in the future. The key of successful branding on Instagram is related to the content you are sharing, but the name can bring more people as well.