Dr. Stone Chapter 161: Is Senku Dead?

Dr. Stone Chapter 161
Image- Viz Media

Dr. Stone Chapter 161: The manga was on break from the last chapter due to the Olympics related event in Japan. As everything is back to normal now, the anime is back on schedule. Here we will discuss the chapter 161. Scroll down to have a look.

Dr. Stone Chapter 161: Release date

The next chapter of the manga is going to release on Sunday, August 9, 2024.

Read the Manga Online With English Translation:

Fans can smoothly go through it from the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. It publishes all the new episodes of the manga. You can also read the manga online. Manga Plus airs the manga exclusively on its website and mobile app.A[art from them, it is also available on VIZ Media.

Dr. Stone Chapter 161
Image- Viz Media

The storyline:

In the previous chapter, we saw an enemy sniper shoots and inflicts Senku. Senku tried to shield himself and used his surrounding for cover. The sniper was perfect and managed to infiltrate. But it pass through the bag. Senku is wounded very severely, but fortunately, he is still alive. He is unstable now because of the bullet, but he will make it.

After the attack, the Kingdom of Science informed Chrome and the others of their status. All were very shocked when they heard about Senku. Later on, Senku sent Chrome a message that only they both can decode.

The spoiler: Dr. Stone Chapter 161

IMAGE: WallpaperAccess

Senku did not see this attack was coming. Fortunately, Senku survived the attack this time. But what about the next time? They are not sure what they are up against. They also cannot predict their enemy. This makes Senku vulnerable to such attacks. He will have to figure a way around this or the days not far when the bullet pierces through his head.